SNAP Foal IgG Test
Test and treat foals in a single visit
SNAP Foal IgG test gives fast, accurate results in just minutes—enabling you to detect low levels of IgG and begin life-saving treatment immediately.
Quick and Accurate Detection of Neonate IgG Levels is Critical.
- Low levels of IgG can lead to bacterial infections, arthritis, pneumonia and enteritis.
- Up to 25% of foals may have low levels of IgG.1
- Foals have only 24 hours after birth to absorb immunoglobulins from the colostrum.
- Delayed test results necessitate costly intravenous delivery of immunoglobulins.
- If left untreated, defenseless foals may die.
The Convenience of SNAP Foal IgG Test
- Foal-side testing
- Effective with serum or whole blood
- Zero lab work
- Single patient visit
- Test Results in 7 minutes
- Accurate, easy-to-interpret results
- Treatment can begin immediately
Results in 7 minutes
Step 1
Dilute sample. Mix thoroughly and dispose of first 5–10 drops from the bottle.
Step 2
Apply one drop of sample over sample spot.
Step 3
Pour conjugate into opening.
Step 4
Snap down activator until it is flush with the base.
Step 5
Wait seven minutes.
Test Results
≤ 400 mg/dL IgG: color intensity of sample spot is lighter than the 400 mg/dL calibrator spot.
400–800 mg/dl IgG: color intensity of sample spot is darker than the 400 mg/dL calibrator spot but lighter than the 800 mg/dL calibrator spot.
≥ 800 mg/dL IgG: color intensity of sample spot is darker than the 800 mg/dL spot.
1. "Failure of Passive Transfer," by Edward L. Squires, Ph.D. The Horse, December 1997, p. 62.
2007 IDEXX Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a subsidiary of IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. SNAP is a trademark or a registered trademark of IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries.
SNAP Foal IgG is available only through veterinarians. Always keep tests refrigerated.